07534 726199 info@hmodoctor.online


If you want to learn how to play the property market but want to go it alone. Our mentoring days will arm you with all the necessary knowledge to go it alone, source and develop your own HMOs and start building your property portfolio.


If you want to learn how to play the property market but want to go it alone. Our mentoring days will arm you with all the necessary knowledge to go it alone, source and develop your own HMOs and start building your property portfolio.

All We Know

We have a knowledgeable team of property experts with years of experience across all aspects of property investment; acquisition, conversion, sales and lettings. This dynamic team is available to help support you throughout the HMO process.

Do you want to accelerate your financial growth and start to make significant, life-changing income from property? Or do you already have a few properties but want to get to the next level of income with HMOs? 

If your portfolio takes up too much of your time or you don’t yet have enough income to give up your day job, then our mentoring could be just what you need. 

Our focus is on helping you to achieve financial freedom through your HMOs.

You Will Learn:

  • How to source and secure the best HMO deals
  • Where to find the best places to invest
  • How to carry out your due diligence
  • The best way to finance your property, including the financial foundations required to ensure your investment starts correctly and grows fast
  • How to manage trades people, timescales and budgets
  • How to create beautiful low cost rooms
  • How to obtain your HMO licence
  • How to make your portfolio work without you 

To arrange your mentoring with one of our highly experienced HMO specialists contact us today on: info@hmodoctor.online

We promise you’ll enjoy it and will find the tips and advice really useful in helping to build your HMO property portfolio.