07534 726199 info@hmodoctor.online

We Offer a Full 360 HMO Service

and a pick and mix offering where you select only the services that you need

We Source Residential Properties

in high demand rental areas and convert them into HMOs

We Offer an Unbeatable Project Management Service

from initial purchase through to property completion

We Offer a Mentoring Service

helping you to build a healthy HMO portfolio

We Invest Your Money Wisely, To Achieve The Best Possible Returns

Focusing on high-demand areas that deliver strong rental yields, as well as capital appreciation


HMO Doctor Will…

  • Help save you huge amounts of time sourcing a suitable investment
  • Help give you confidence and support to start investing
  • Help you to invest but remain ‘hands off’
  • Help you with financing your property
  • Help with the refurbishment of your HMO
  • Help you furnish your HMO
  • Help you find tenants for your HMO
HMO Doctor Key Rack Work With Us

Why Work With Us?

Often people want to get into property who have little or no knowledge of what does or doesn’t work and they risk a great deal with their first project. 

Here at HMO Doctor, we eliminate a lot of that risk by doing all the hard work for you. We are experts in finding properties in the right location, calculating the best use of the property to get the optimum cash flow, project managing builders to re-configure and re-furbish the property, and converting to a House of Multiple Occupancy as appropriate.

We Promise To Always Work Tirelessly For You.